After the age of thirty, the first signs of aging begin to appear on the face. At first they are barely noticeable, but soon the situation worsens, pronounced wrinkles appear, the skin becomes dull and loses tone. Therefore, experts recommend not to let the situation worsen and start implementing anti-aging procedures.
One of the popular methods of facial care is fractional laser rejuvenation. This method was used not so long ago, but has already proven itself well.
What does hardware cosmetology offer?
Rejuvenation is carried out using the following methods:
- The problem area is evenly heated by radio frequency energy. The skin does not suffer much and the recovery is rather short;
- This device allows you to create a beautiful oval face, smooth wrinkles, eliminate traces of acne, scars and scars. The skin becomes smoother, firmer and fresher.
- The effect is on the melanin, elastin and collagen of the skin.
Fractional or spot resurfacing with a CO2 laser has become very popular.
Invented by an American company, punctual radiation allows very precise and targeted effects on the skin and even on small problem areas.
Characteristics of the procedure
There are several types of carbon dioxide (CO2) laser rejuvenation:
- The ablative method is quite aggressive. A special laser handpiece heats the skin up to 150 degrees. At the same time, the liquid and cells evaporate quickly. The regeneration process begins in these areas. Naturally, the skin takes a long time to recover, but as a result the face becomes more toned, fresh and wrinkles are reduced. With the help of CO2 resurfacing it is possible to eliminate scars and scars. ;
- non-ablative. The laser beams penetrate deeply, but the upper layer of the epidermis is not damaged. The result takes longer to achieve, but the sensation is softer.
If we talk about the method of fractional rejuvenation, it is more gentle, since the effect is on certain areas of the skin and, accordingly, everything is not so traumatic and painful. In this case the laser does not work with a beam, but with its microbeams. They form a network on the skin that acts on the tissue in a checkerboard pattern. Healthy cells located around the microzone begin to divide rapidly, promoting rejuvenation. The action directly depends on the depth of the beam.
CO2 laser resurfacing helps stimulate the production of substances such as collagen and elastin, which help change skin conditions for the better. The tissue structure improves, becomes denser and more elastic, and a healthy color appears.
Who is recommended and what to expect
The CO2 laser is indicated for the following problems:
- stretch marks on the skin;
- wrinkles, crow's feet on the lips and eyelids;
- pronounced pores;
- scars;
- faded and dull skin color;
- loss of elasticity and compactness, doughiness;
- increased pigmentation;
- pronounced signs and manifestations of post-acne;
- vascular network (asterisks).
After completing a course of CO2 laser resurfacing, a slight lifting effect is observed, a youthful and healthy complexion returns, tissues become denser and more elastic, and problems such as wrinkles, folds and scars gradually fade and disappear.
What can't CO2 laser resurfacing do? Of course, the rejuvenation procedure is very effective, but it also cannot cope with some problems:
- severe sagging skin, a high percentage of sagging skin. This must be eliminated surgically, not with a laser;
- if the skin has not received the necessary and adequate care, that is, a person has not done anything in his 30-40s to maintain beauty and youth, then a procedure will be of no use;
- too pronounced scars, which are best removed surgically - by excision.
Advantages and disadvantages
There are numerous advantages that can be obtained following CO2 laser rejuvenation:
- fractional or spot beam minimally injures the skin, so traces of the procedure disappear after five days;
- Large areas can be treated in a single session, preserving and starting the process of tissue regeneration. Thanks to this, the recovery period is quite fast;
- it is not necessary to use anesthesia;
- the procedure is suitable for cleaning the décolleté and neck area;
- side effects are quite rare;
- The procedure is indicated for patients of different ages.
Numerous reviews of people who have undergone such facial rejuvenation confirm the effectiveness of the procedure.
The skin is truly smoothed, becomes more elastic and toned and fine wrinkles disappear. Those with scars get excellent results. At the same time, you can see a positive result after the first session, but specialists prescribe a course depending on the complexity of the problem and the client's request. On average, experts recommend at least 5-8 sessions to see a really good effect.
The disadvantages of CO2 grinding include the following:
- redness of the treated area;
- swelling;
- peeling;
- itching;
- painful sensations.
You may also experience some complications after laser resurfacing, such as an infection, which will lead to scar formation. Sometimes people develop pigmentation, which is associated with individual body reactions and skin characteristics.
Negative consequences of CO2 resurfacing also include the appearance of (persistent) erythema, herpes, "marbling" of the skin, increased acne, keloid scarring, and the formation of wrinkles when treated and untreated skin is clearly visible.
Such situations are extremely rare and occur in approximately four out of one hundred patients. But you need to know about this possibility.
It is also necessary to remember that the cost of such a procedure is quite high.
Laser rejuvenation: contraindications
There are no particular age limits for CO2 laser resurfacing. Therefore, you can start doing it from the age of thirty or from the moment the first signs of skin aging, scars, etc. appear.
There are some nuances in which you should refuse the procedure:
- period of pregnancy or breastfeeding;
- dermatosis;
- herpes;
- acute inflammatory processes in the area where laser work is planned;
- recent chemical peel;
- diseases associated with blood, immune system, connective tissue;
- oncology training;
- diabetes;
- hypertension, coronary heart disease;
- varicose veins in the area where treatment is needed.
If there are health problems, you must first get rid of them and only then carry out a cosmetic procedure.
Phases of the procedure
Fractional laser rejuvenation is carried out with preliminary preparation. This means that two weeks before you will have to give up tanning (sun or solarium).
With skin phototype 3 or 5, you should start using depigmenting cream.
The CO2 laser resurfacing process itself is as follows:
- the specialist thoroughly cleans the skin using exfoliating and exfoliating agents;
- if the patient has a low pain threshold, a special painkiller is applied to reduce discomfort;
- the device is set to a mode suitable for the selected working method and work begins with the problem area;
- in one session, a specialist with good experience can treat the areas that need correction on the face, neck and décolleté;
- After completing the procedure, the specialist applies an emollient cream to the treated areas to help reduce redness, irritation and swelling.
The entire procedure usually takes an hour.
In order for the skin restoration process after CO2 facial resurfacing to proceed faster and correctly, it is necessary to carry out proper care:
- Make masks for the next two weeks and also use a moisturizer. It is best to use products that contain hyaluronic acid;
- It is better not to use decorative cosmetics in the first days so as not to further injure the skin, which is slightly injured. Also, makeup can contribute to infection, etc. ;
- Scrubs and peels should be excluded from home and professional care for a couple of weeks;
- if there is a possibility and tendency to develop pigmentation, it is imperative to apply sunscreen on the face;
- It is best to wash your face with boiled water cooled to room temperature;
- To make the recovery process faster, you can include foods rich in vitamins in your diet or start taking a vitamin complex;
- spend more time outdoors, ideally in places with high humidity.
Subject to adequate and high-quality care, skin regeneration after CO2 laser resurfacing occurs quickly and without complications.
Modern cosmetology allows you to prolong and maintain youth using hardware methods that have proven to be highly effective. An experienced cosmetologist who has undergone appropriate training will be able to select a set of measures that will allow you to properly care for your skin and improve its appearance. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations of the specialist.